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Legal Pitfalls Political Consultants Must Avoid During Campaigns

Political consultants are essential to how politicians interact with voters, communicate, and use the media in election campaigns. A campaign’s success often determines its ability. However, political consulting includes more than just persuasion and strategy. It also entails adhering to numerous legal regulations. Campaigns must follow countless local, state, and federal rules, particularly those about […]

Managing Crisis Communication | Tips from Experienced Political Consultants

The political world has gotten very competitive over the past few years. Today, there is always a possibility that a political candidate could get into a crisis due to poor campaign management without a professional political consultant.  Serious problems can arise due to a controversial statement of a candidate, a scandal, unexpected events, and numerous […]

Defamation Risks for Political Consultants in the Age of Social Media

In today’s highly competitive political world, social media has become important for managing election campaigns and promoting political parties/candidates.  Well-reputed political consulting firms worldwide employ social media platforms, including X, Facebook, Instagram, and many others, to reach voters and promote their candidates. There are many benefits of initiating and managing political campaigns on social media, […]

What others say

At age 28, I was elected Mayor as a Republican in a very democratic city in a very democratic year. It would not have happened without Jay’s political consulting services, his clear direction and the superb work his did as my political consultant.

John Tkazyik Mayor of Poughkeepsie, NY

The only political consultant in America who has won national awards for his newspaper, television and persuasion mail. A brilliant strategist and tactician who has seen it all and done it at least once.

Mike Collins, Former Press Secretary Republican National Committee

The persuasion mail pieces he did in the 2008 U.S. Senate race were the best ever done by a political consultant in the State of Alaska.

Wally Hickel, Former Governor State of Alaska

We were getting hammered in a TV spot and needed Jay’s political consulting services to craft an answer and deliver a lethal blow to our opponent. The spot Jay crafted was brilliant. It quickly sank the campaign of our opponent and to this day remains one of the most remembered political spots ever aired in the State of Vermont.

Tom Moore, Political Director Jeffords for U.S. Senate Campaign

I’ve have some hard campaigns, and some not so hard campaigns during my many years as the Executive of Campbell County. The one constant has been Jay. No matter the environment, no matter the difficulty of the challenge, he is a political consultant who can easily adapt and construct a unique strategy fitted to the situation. And his mail is superb.

Steve Pendery Campbell County Judge Executive

I’ve seen political consultant Jay Townsend coach complete novices into the Halls of Congress. He loves what he does. He is very good at what he does.

Mike Long Chairman Conservative Party of New York

I was a complete and total unknown when we started the campaign. It was not an easy lift. I was taking on an institution and the entire political establishment. Jay never lost faith in me. He had a steely determination that inspired all of us. I defeated an incumbent in the primary by a 2-1 margin, and won the general election in a landslide. The ads Jay did for me received a national award.

Carl DuBois Sheriff, Orange County, NY

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