Campaign Planning is the Most Important Thing You Will Do… Because Absent Campaign Planning, Campaigns Fail and Candidates Lose.

Campaign Planning is the first step in becoming a viable candidate for office. It is essential that you know the marketplace of your jurisdiction—the political, ethnic, racial, religious, and demographic profile—as well as the major employers, income and education levels of your would-be constituents.

Using this kind of demographic research, I help candidates develop a crisp and compelling message, using elements from the personal and professional biographies to make their story/message appealing to voters, and offer voters a clear contrast with their opponent.

Looking for Help with Campaign Planning? 
Call me. Jay Townsend (845) 458-1210
You can also watch these free videos on Campaign Planning

Free Video: Campaign Planning: How to Win an Election

Free Video: Campaign Planning: Things you Must Know, and Do Before You Run

Campaign Fundraising: