Do Political Consulting Services Make Sense for You?

  • Can you tell someone why you want the job you are running for in less than 20 seconds?
  • Do you know the party affiliation, race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, income levels, age, major employers, and latest employment statistics where you are running?
  • Do you have you the names, email addresses and/or phone numbers of the first 50 people you are going to ask for a campaign contribution?
  • Do you have a detailed campaign budget so that you know what you are going to spend on staff, TV, and/or radio and/or persuasion mail and/or internet ads and/or social media?
  • Do you know the names of media outlets and reporters that are likely to cover your race?
  • Do you have a website that clearly states the reason you are running, what you will do if you win, an up-to-date, accurate biography and pictures/video that flatter you?
  • Do you have a fundraising plan, and a projection of what you expect to raise, by month?
Political consulting services that I provide:

Message Development

Components of your message include your biography, your story, values, issue positions and what you choose to say about your opponent. I will help develop a campaign message that is clear and compelling; develop and tell your story, convey your fundamental notions of right and wrong; help you tailor your message to your jurisdiction and election day coalition. It is the most important task in a political campaign.

Political Campaign Fundraising.

There are 5 principal sources of money in a political campaign; 7 ways to raise it. I will help you develop a fundraising strategy to ensure that you have money when you need it. I will help you identify those most likely to support your campaign, teach you how to ask for it and implement a plan to keep your campaign in the black.

Political Campaign Slogans.

Using available polling data and an analysis of your competitors, I will help you craft a slogan that offers voters a clear and compelling contrast with your opponent(s); one that appeals to your election-day coalition.

Political Campaign Budget.

Absent a budget, no campaign has a strategy. I will help you construct a budget and cash flow chart based on real research to ensure that neither you nor campaign is left with a mountain of debt or unpaid bills.

Political Campaign Advertising Strategy:

Except in small jurisdictions, candidates must amplify their message with paid advertising. I help candidates develop the right mix of television, You Tube, radio, persuasion mail, phones, newspaper and internet ads targeted to voters you need to win.

Political Campaign Free Press Strategy:

I will help you prepare for interviews with print reporters, radio and television interviews, candidate debates, press conferences and staging photo ops.