Steve Jobs has a lesson to teach candidates on the art of running for office and how to win an election. It is a powerful message…about the appeal of empowerment. Watch the video to see why.

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This is an iPhone. Otherwise known as a smart phone. It does amazing things. You can pay bills. Buy things. Watch movies. Take movies. Edit movies and post them on You Tube. You can listen to music. Pod casts. Get a cab. Rent a car. Post on facebook. Tweet. Text. Get directions. Sing to Siri. Find egg rolls in a strange town. And a thousand other things.


Lots of people have one of these because it allows us to quickly communicate, better spend our time as we see fit, save time, and by-pass bureaucracies.

It empowers us, and affords us the freedom to make more of our own choices.

It’s the reason these things are so popular. Don’t think so?

Imagine what would happen if the government demanded that we give them up, or banned them, or if some regulator turned off the switch.

The funny thing about being empowered is that we like it. And once we have been empowered we are loath to give up our power. We like having control over our lives and better ways to manage our time and our money.

If you are or plan to be a candidate for public office, sell yourself and your message in terms of empowerment. Choice. Greater freedom of your would be constituents to decide what is best for them.

Like allowing people to buy a health insurance plan that’s just right for them, instead of one dictated by a government monopoly. The freedom choose their own doctor. Now that’s an idea. The freedom of a parent to pick the school their child attends. The freedom to visit a sick child or parent absent fear of losing a paycheck.

Given the choice, most Americans are going to side with the candidate that respects their intelligence, a candidate that thinks we are smart enough to make our own decisions.

That’s good news for those running for office who offer a message of empowerment, the right to live our lives as we see fit, and keep a little more of what we earn.

Stay tuned for more on the art of running for office and how to win an election.  

And if you think one of your friends might benefit from seeing this video? Please share it.

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