Module 4 is about time tested ways to advertise your campaign message when running for office, including your website, television commercials, radio ads, persuasion mail and newspaper advertising.
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Module 4 of my Political Road Map Course is now live at:
Advertising amplifies your message and is necessary unless you live in a jurisdiction where you can knock on every door. And because it costs money you will be required to summarize it, package it, boil it down to key points that you want voters to remember about you, your values, issue positions, and the stark choice they face in the election.
There is an art to doing that, and doing it in a way that makes you compelling, interesting, worth watching, hearing, and worthy of a vote.
In lesson 1, we’ll discuss your website. All candidates should have one, even if they are running for dog catcher. It need not cost a lot of money, but there are certain basics to putting up a website that you should know before you go live with yours.
In lesson 2, we’ll talk about television and video. It is the most powerful advertising tool in your arsenal. Why? Nothing beats the power of a television spot to persuade, move, inflame, motivate, cajole, anger or convince a voter to support you on election day. And even if you can’t afford television, it takes no money to set up and use a YouTube account to disseminate your videos.
In lesson 3, we’ll discuss radio spots, when and how to use them, how to inform voters in an entertaining way by using sound effects that trigger images in the recesses of the human mind; spots that put voters inside an imaginary conversation between two people, spots that evoke one of the seven human emotions. Anger. Sadness. Happiness. Fear. Surprise. Disgust. Contempt.
In lesson 4, we’ll talk about persuasion mail. It’s what some call political junk mail. Most of it is junk and not worth reading. In this lesson I’ll teach you how to do persuasion mail that isn’t junk— mail that voters want to read— mail that moves votes. You’ll learn how to write it, design it, target it, and I’ll be showing you some examples of how to do it.
In lesson 5, we’ll talk about newspaper ads, which can be very effective forms of advertising in certain jurisdictions. I’ll be talking about those circumstances when newspaper ads are a smart choice for you, how to make them sing and stand out in the clutter.
Most candidates devote 60% or more of their campaign budgets to the items covered in this module. Most candidates waste a lot of what they spend. This module is designed to ensure that you don’t make that mistake. As you watch the lessons, you are free to send me any questions you have.
If you have questions? Hit the comment button. Or email me at My phone number is 845-458-1210.
For More Information on this Module, or others already posted, visit:

Political consultant Jay Townsend works with smart, passionate candidates who want to run for office, win elections and make a difference. He has successfully helped candidates learn how to run for the U.S. Senate, how to run for Congress, how to run for Mayor and develop a winning campaign marketing strategy.
How to win an election:
Running for office and knowing how to win an election is a challenge, especially for first time political candidates just learning how to run for office. Discerning the fine points of how to campaign, raise political contributions, and execute a political campaign strategy often requires the help of someone who has served as a political strategist or who has experience as a political consultant.