In this module we cover the five components of your campaign message when running for office. Your message is the most important part of your campaign.
Looking for Help in Your Campaign? Call Jay at (845) 458-1210. The call is FREE.
Module 2 of my Political Road Map Course is now live. You can learn more about it at
Embodied in your message is what voters get by putting their faith in you. It is your signature story about something that changed your life and who you are. It is the set of deeply held moral principles that govern the decisions you will make on behalf of those you represent. It is a statement on your agenda, your policy prescriptions and issue positions that will govern the way people live. It offers voters a reason why you are the better choice over your opponent.
There is a saying in my profession that is worth repeating. Great footage will not save a bad script. A good script will survive bad footage. In other words, before going crazy with all the bells and whistles available in the political marketplace, make sure your message is clear, compelling, memorable and worth repeating.
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In lesson 1, we’ll talk about your rationale—otherwise known as your slogan. I’ll give you some examples of ones I developed that were perfect for the occasion. More important, I’ll tell you why they worked and what you need to consider in order to construct a slogan that is just right for you.
In lesson 2, you’ll learn how to develop and tell your signature story through some seminal event in your life that makes you interesting, compelling, and in a way that gives voters a clear sense of who you are, what you have accomplished, and your commitment to their welfare.
In lesson 3, you will learn to identify your own values, and how to communicate them and your deeply held moral principles in a way that lets voters know that you are in tune with theirs, and that they can trust you to make important decisions on their behalf.
In lesson 4, we’ll discuss issue positioning—how to determine which issue positions to highlight in your speeches and your advertising, and how to determine the issues most likely to get you votes and leave your opponent playing defense.
In lesson 5, I’ll give you some tips and tricks on how to become an expert on your opponent. I’ll be sharing some stories of how simple research and tools available to you were used to gain the upper hand in hotly contested elections.
Running for Office?
To watch the course, or enroll in the program, visit:
Political consultant Jay Townsend works with smart, passionate candidates who want to run for office, win elections and make a difference. He has successfully helped candidates learn how to run for the U.S. Senate, how to run for Congress, how to run for Mayor and develop a winning campaign marketing strategy.
How to win an election:
Running for office and knowing how to win an election is a challenge, especially for first time political candidates just learning how to run for office. Discerning the fine points of how to campaign, raise political contributions, and execute a political campaign strategy often requires the help of someone who has served as a political strategist or who has experience as a political consultant.
Want to talk? Call Jay at 845-458-1210

Political consultant Jay Townsend works with smart, passionate candidates who want to run for office, win elections and make a difference. He has successfully helped candidates learn how to run for the U.S. Senate, how to run for Congress, how to run for Mayor and develop a winning campaign marketing strategy.
How to win an election:
Running for office and knowing how to win an election is a challenge, especially for first time political candidates just learning how to run for office. Discerning the fine points of how to campaign, raise political contributions, and execute a political campaign strategy often requires the help of someone who has served as a political strategist or who has experience as a political consultant.